Editey Support

Get back on track

floreysoft provides support for Editey, with help from contributors in the community.

We use a mixture of different platforms to provide support, so select an option below to determine the best way to get help.

Online Help Center

Before posting to the community, please make sure to read the documentation.


If you do not find any valuable info, please check the frequently asked questions.

Editey Community

Still no luck? It is now time to join the Editey community and check if someone has already posted a similar issue.

Create a post and describe your issue as good as you can. The more info you provide the better are the chances that someone will be able to help you.

Enterprise Support

Is your website not working as expected?

If you need help creating your enterprise website with Editey you can sign up for an enterprise support contract.

Report bugs

If you are sure that you came across a bug in Editey and not just a problem in your code, please report it to us so that we can fix it.

You will find a dedicated menu item in the Help menu called Report an issue to send us an email with a brief description of the issue.

Questions and Feedback

If you have any comments on this page, feel free to add suggestions right to the Google document that we are using to create this site.

If you are not yet member of the Edtiey community on Google+, please join now to get updates from our end or to provide feedback, bug reports or discuss with other users.

Last Updated: 22.07.19